Le Corsaire

We are very proud to present one of the ballet world's most loved ballets to audiences this year! Adventure with us in 2019! Pirates, beautiful maidens, treasures, ships, caves, romance, passion and more!
Featuring internationally recognized artists in leading roles in a rich display of outstanding skill! Le Corsaire is one of the ballet world’s most loved classical ballets. A pirate’s adventure portrayed through superb classical ballet skill, colourful costuming and virtuoso choreography. An inspiring, adventurous, impacting, entertaining and memorable experience for the whole family!
The Victorian State Ballets ‘Le Corsaire’ features a top cast of leading classical ballet artists in an exotic fable of a dashing pirate’s love for a beautiful maiden. Le Corsaire features captive maidens, rich pashas, dramatic rescues, culminating in an unexpected shipwreck. Featuring the famous Pas de Trois which is one of the most breathtaking spectacles in all of ballet!
Based on The Corsair by Lord Byron and choreographed by Michelle Sierra, this exhilarating production is full of adventure, action, comedy, and romance with a famous pas de trois from its colourful cast of characters!
The choreography is rich with vibrant colour, passion, romance, adventure, intrigue and outstanding skill. VSB’s Le Corsaire endeavors to immerse the audience right in amidst the story in a profound experience that is exhilarating, impacting and visually inspiring.
Don’t miss out on seeing exhilarating solos and pas de deuxs, from the stunning leading couple, the world famous Le Corsaire Pas de Trois by Conrad, Medora & Ali, the beautiful flower garden of ballerinas in gorgeous tutus, the very moving rescue by the Pirate Conrad of his love Medora and the ultimate happily ever after final scene! This is classical ballet at its finest! Come and experience this exhilarating and highly entertaining production!
LE CORSAIRE premiered in Australia by the Victorian State Ballet in May 2017 – This was the very first production in the history of ballet in Australia by an Australian ballet company.
What the media says about VSB
‘I adored every second and was completely overwhelmed’
Dance Informa
‘This demonstrated the absolute power the Victorian State Ballet has over the creative dance Industry in Australia’
‘Every aspect of the performance excelled, a work to remember for years to come’
Dance Australia