
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes educational programs at VSB are informative sessions focused on developing closer relationships with audiences by engaging them into the behind the curtain/backstage processes of how dancers prepare for the production they are about to see.
This includes inviting registered patrons into viewing company warm up class onstage, short Q & A session after warm-up where patrons have opportunity to ask questions directly to the dancers, photos with the cast and short backstage tours.
During warm-up class, we give commentary on what the dancers need to prepare their bodies for performance. As class progresses, each exercise is broke down, describing exactly what the dancer is doing for the audience to understand the training preparation processes.
Q & A Sessions
Q & A sessions are a fantastic way to connect with audiences and get some insight into what they like to see and their expectations. Young members love to express their aspirations in becoming a professional dancer and also parents may often seek information for their sons & daughters who are interested in dance.
Q & A time is generally after warm-up on stage where patrons have opportunity to ask their questions directly to the dancers. Some examples are: How long have you been dancing, How old is the lead ballerina, How long does it take to put together a ballet, How many hours per day does a dancer work, How do you sew ribbons on pointe shoes, What ballet will you bring next year, How can my son be engaged in dance (parents) And more…
Backstage tours
Up close and personal – back stage dressing room tour to see how the dancers apply their make-up, hair, pointe shoes & costumes for the performance. Great time for program signing and photos also.
Meet the Cast
Meet the cast is so popular and so much fun. This takes place on stage at the end of our matinee performances. The cast remains on stage after the curtain closes and registered patrons assemble at a specific place in the auditorium whilst it is clearing. The curtain re-opens and patrons are lead onto stage to meet the cast, have programs signed and a photo opportunity with the cast and their favourite character.
This usually ties in with fans dress up day. Signed pointe shoes by the leading ballerina are given away to the best dress ups on stage.
Dress up day
Q & A Fans dress up day – we invite young patrons to come dressed as their favourite character in the ballet. Signed point shoes by the principal ballerina are given to the best dress-up. A fun way to build & encourage young audiences.Sessions